zondag 29 mei 2016

The Campaign so Far (750)

The Campaign so Far

We are now in the third month of the campaign. Each month sees the points go up by 250 points.
So 750 points is where its it atm. You are not forced to keep playing the same units in every game so you can pretty much make up whatever list  you want for each game.

This  was my army for this month. 
(note that the   force org  was Hq0-1 elites 0-2 troops 1-2 fast attack 0-1 heavy support 0-1)

Consul on a bike whit thunderhammer, power dagger, artificer armour 
two  quad mortar  rapier batteries in separate units                                                    
10 tactical marines                                                                                       
Tactical support squad                                                                               
Fast attack
One unit of two  attack bikes whit multi-meltas                                             
Heavy support
Predator whit heavy bolter sponsons.

750 points of sneaky evil
This month I played two games

First was  against  ironhands.  The scenario this month was basily a fight in a city under  a napalm barrage. Every shooting phase we would get to scatter a marker. IF it hit terrain  it would set it on fire, and it would hit every model within 6 inch whit a strength 5 hit.  They would stay in play and on top of that  they were cumulative.   At the start of the game it was not so bad but in the end  if you wanted to stay on a objective you had to take  hits from multiple of those things.

The  iron hands came whit 20 marines and a apothecary,  twin assault cannon contemptor and a sicaran.

But man those 30k iron hands are tough -1 strenght vs shooting is noting to laugh at.  This game came down to the wire.  While I was ahead  in firepower the whole game. Getting 20 ironhands of a objective takes some serrius fire power. If it was not for the scenario helping I doubt I would have succeeded.

 The second game was against  ultra marines.  As a Alpha legion player nothing pleases me more then whipping those bastards of the map. Who did Guiliman think he was anny way.  That being said this was not a great battle. The opponent had 2 marine sqauds in rhino’s and 2 double assault cannon contemnors.  Personally I don’t think it is ever worth taking  more  tactical sqauds then the minimum. But you have to respect those  contemptors.  But luck was not on the ultra marine side. I got  infiltrate  warlord trait and  so could take scout from my alpha legion rules. Meaning my whole force was in perfect position from the start. That lead to a easy take down of the first contemtor. Then I got lucky on his first turn and despite  almost his whole remaining force  shooting at the bikes and consule I only suffer as single wound. And that was basically all she wrote.

Next month is a 1000 points and I want to change my army up a fair bit so time to get to painting.


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